Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Photos dedicated to Sanjana and Nazrul! :D

Thanks folks for helping me get awesome gear! :D Hopefully I will get better in the coming months! :)

Monday, May 09, 2011

Good karma of the day

Managed to rescue a baby kite, fed egg with a ink dropper. The prospects are not
good. Wildlife rescue guys will pick him up later in the day.
[Update] WRRC ( Bangalore rescued this guy. He is a tad beat up but he is gonna be okay! Hope he grows up into a fine fella. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Herzog brings 20,000-year-old art to life

CNN news item...
Oh what I would not give to go to this cave and admire the paintings but I think it makes so much sense to not make it a tourist destination and ruin it. If I get a chance I intend to watch the 3D movie.
Don't you think it is fascinating to think that 20,000 years back a bunch of guys might have decided on a lazy afternoon to draw something without having a clue that 20,000 years later it would have an audience.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Who is dead again? (Thanks Vinay!) :)

Came across a funny tweet

"I can now reassure the world that Osama Bin Laden is NOT hiding in Pakistan now" :)

Osama is dead

Just heard that Osama Bin Laden is dead in a CIA op. When I passed this information to my friend the first thing she asked was "So, is terrorism over or this is the beginning?". I truly hope this is the end of terrorism that has plagued the world for the past decade or so. Way too many innocents have lost their lives in this madness. I personally don't consider any issue (religious, political, idealogical etc) worth killing women and children.


I happened to visit Apple store yesterday. It truly is an exciting experience to see the wonderful gadgets. I lovingly eyed the iMac. I wished I had the money to plonk down and buy one right away and take it home. I suspect my wife would have me spayed if I did have the money and ended up buying this baby! ;)
The specs I liked is below but at Rs. 1.25 lacs it is hopelessly beyond reach for me.
27" monitor
2.8GHz Intel Core i5
2560-by-1440 resolution
4GB (two 2GB) memory
1TB hard drive1
8x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 5750 with 1GB

Friday, April 29, 2011


It has been few days since I turned my back on Facebook and I can already feel the withdrawal symptoms! Perhaps Facebook is a plot by aliens to enslave earthlings to sweet nothing and force us to lose our productivity. It boggles my mind to think that by 2012 Facebook is expected to have more than a billion users! Imagine the gold mine the founders are sitting on once they crack the monetization code.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is XIRR in Perfios?

My colleague and good friend Vikash has taken pains to explain the concept of XIRR used in Perfios. I hope you will find it useful.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some photos from Hassan Trip over the weekend

I am back

After spending quite some time dabbling with various social media applications (particularly Facebook) I have decided to quit the social media nonsense and get back to maintaining a blog. It has been five years since I left blogging so I have obviously a lot to talk about. Stay tuned me hearties. :)